This started out as a long skirt of mine. But then it tore something awful right across the whole skirt. So, I chopped off the bottom and made two straps out of the remnants. Gotta love upcycling.

Yes, it's eye searingly bright. And I LURVE it. This was lurking in the UFO pile for a very long time, and I finally got around to finishing it in the sewing frenzy that was yesterday. (Look, I've been dealing with a sick toddler, an on-holiday boy and a "ohmygodI'msickanddyyyyyyying" husband for the past two weeks. It was either hide in the sewing room for awhile or turn up on the evening news.)
The original pattern calls for an apron on the front, but I didn't feel like digging through my fabric stash to find something that went with the existing fabrics. Plastered on some ribbon and called it a day.

I call this one the Ice Cream on the Beach dress. I had this offcut (from one of Fabricworm's bundles, I think) in the stash, and it was just crying out to be a summer dress. Shirring and shirring and shirring the bodice took ... awhile. The hem comes from the Oliver + S Lazy Days Skirt pattern. Love it. I'm considering doing a tutorial on how to make it, as I'm definitely going to be making more of these. Let me know if there's any interest and I'll post it.
And finally, a skirt.

Modded from the Made Market Skirt tutorial. The button was a find in the button basket (who knows where it came from).
Of course, I had to finish a pair of thick, wooly socks too. 'Cause it's not Spring quite yet.
