1) Craft Hope - Aprons for Haiti
Ok, I'll be honest...I'm not sure about this one. The principle of the project is to make aprons for women in Haiti, something pretty that's just for them. It's not quite as useful (imo) as the previous project that made birthing kits for Haitian women and their newborns. But. Craft Hope is one of those online communal exercises that I really like supporting. So, I do.

Mostly made up the pattern on the fly. Love the snap that secures the pocket together.
2) Comfort Blanket for T
Ok, this one is another group effort. One of the moderators for the swap group that I'm part of on Ravelry is going through a crappy time of things. Crappy as in she asked her husband to leave because he's been doing hard drugs for a year on the sneak...and she now makes too much to qualify for food stamps, even though it's just her and three kids now. Yeah. That kind of crappy.
Honestly, I truly wanted to help her. But was at a loss. Until it was suggested that maybe making a blanket out of squares made by people who love and support her might be a nice thing to do.
So, I solicited the group members for squares. And set to putting my mediocre crochet skills to work. One giant granny square later, the squares from the others are starting to trickle in. I'm very excited, and hope that we get enough to make a large border of contributed squares.

3) KOL quilting bee
Ok, this one is a little more selfish. I wanted to do a quilting bee. But. I'm a shy geek who doesn't really know how to put that out there into the void of the Interwebs. So, I cheated. I asked members of my local knitting group if they'd be interested in doing a quilting bee. Had no idea what to expect. Managed to get 10 more people (!) - which surprised the hell out of me.
Set up a monthly schedule, and away we went. I'm going first, as it just seemed to work out that way. Have received some pictures of the lovely blocks so far. Am crossing my fingers that we all last the year-long commitment. Wish me luck.
4) And in other craftiness - there was some spinning

Red Merino with SO MUCH SPARKLE

and some socks knit for some swaps.

Even a pair for a SIL.

Next on the to-do list? Making the most epic Star Wars dice bag ever. After all, what else are long weekends for?