That would be the sound of my head hitting the table. I'm exhausted, and sadly not even that hung over. But it was a busy month. Blissfully free from company, our little family really enjoyed the holiday season this year. There was much pyjama wearing, and many many days filled with just lazing around the house. But I guess that you're here to see the Christmas handmades, right?
This year, I sent around an email to my nearest and dearest family asking them if they would prefer to receive either a book or a handmade item. The responses to this email heartened me muchly - there were only two people who asked for a book instead of a handmade item. (And thanks for calling me cheap, Dad. Yeah. Thanks a lot.) Everyone else was very enthused about the prospect of a handmade item. The requests came in, and the result were:

Fingerless mittens and a plastic bag holder (like
this one) for my SIL. She also received a slouchy Tuva hat in silky Malabrigo.

My MIL received a camera, kitted out with a handmade case.

My FIL received a black touque, sadly missed in the spree of photo taking.
My Dad received the Thorpe posted a few posts back. Accompanied by the autobiography of Robert Herjavec, one of the VCs on
Dragon's Den. (Love that show.)
My Mum was the lucky recipient of the Odessa, also from the same previous post. And a handmade bag, also forgotten picture-wise. But I used this
Keyka Lou pattern - it turned out to be totally adorable.
I gave my one brother a pair of socks, as requested.

I'm thinking that I may have to knit him another pair, as these are a little wild for him to wear. (He's a banker, whaddya gonna do.)
My other brother asked for handmade handkerchiefs, as he was bored with stuffing his breast pocket with plain white ones.

I hope they're not too colourful for Wall Street.
Both of my brothers also received signed books by David Sedaris. I was lucky enough to go to his signing here in Dartmouth, driven by the express purpose of getting him to sign books for both of my brothers. Enduring the sheer amount of hipsterism contained in that store ALONE makes me a candidate for best sister of the year, if I do say so myself. Yeesh.
My lovely SIL asked for a chunky cowl.

Knit in Malabrigo Rasta (which is the most delicious super bulky yarn EVER), I am pleased to report that she was delighted with it. And highest praise for a knitter, she put it on right after opening the present and didn't take it off until she got home.
Lastly, Mr. Munchkin's teacher has done an outstanding job so far. And so she made it onto the knit-worthy list with a pair of mittens.

More Malabrigo, of course. Accompanied by a box of chocolates.
As for my kids - they asked for and received much plastic frippery. DH was given a few framed pictures of our trip to Iceland, amongst other things. And as for myself, I was given the gift of peace, happiness and joy on earth. Oh, and a wicked cool slow cooker. Couldn't ask for anything more. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season too.