Are evil mittens. They look innocent, yes? (Pattern is Instant Mittens - Rav link) But the pattern calls for an embroidered design after the knitting is complete. The originals have a very pretty heart on them...but that's not really my style. And after trying to figure out exactly what design I *did* want to show to the world...I collapsed into a major identity crisis. Who the hell am I anymore? And what do I want the world to see when they look at me? Gamer? Mommy? Village idiot? It's a nasty spiral of self-doubt and exploration. Two weeks after completing these, I still don't have any answers and the mittens still don't have a design. I have a feeling they may stay that way for a bit while I sort my head out.
Another quick knit - French Press Felted Slippers.

If you know me, you know that I don't much like wearing socks unless it's below zero. But I've been feeling the cold in my extremities more often these days - something to do with getting old - and this pattern is too cute to resist. FAST knit. Very warm slippers. And I only wiped out three times before figuring out that I needed to make the bottoms more grippy. Clearly, I am not a fast learner. Well, that...or I'm in denial about my balancing skills.
Speaking of balance, I've been playing my Wii Fit every two days or so since the New Year. I haven't shed a single damn pound. Buuuuuut. My back doesn't hurt as much, and I'm developed the ability to bend and twist like nobody's business. Something that my dusting skills have always needed, apparently.
In another twist to the identity crisis, I was recently asked if I'm still writing stories. I realized with not a little bit of horror that the last thing that I wrote was over two years ago. To be honest, I don't really have an excuse - the stories are there (and occasionally wake me up in the middle of the night), I just haven't written them down.
I suppose in a way, I'm still hung up on the story that I was developing for the Cyberpunk game that I was GMing a few years ago. But I'm trying to put that aside now, and have been working on a new story set in Pompeii. But note to self - do NOT let husband review writing, as his comments are total buzz killers. For example, "It's really...wordy." He tends to like his fiction to have exploding wizards in it, just so you know what I'm working with here. Next post, I'll show you a snippet of the new story. But that's next time. At the moment, I'm needed to mediate a war between dinosaurs and the evil teapot. Gotta use that diplomatic training for something useful. *sigh*
1 comment:
For the record, the last story I've written down on paper, was about around the year 2006. Although my sister and friends love them, I can never print them or something for them to read. I am a horror writer, but more of a horror maker.
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