For all you who found this blog through Facebook ...
It was with more than a bit of alarm and stomach-curdling fear that I saw that my blogging was now synchronized with my FB status updates. Couldn't figure out why for the life of me why it was happening...until I remembered that I had allowed an application to nab my blog data, as I wanted to use it to follow another blogger. So much for web anonymity, eh?
I just wanted to talk about a game that I've been playing lately - Borderlands. It's stupid, FPS fun on the PS3. But the best part is that you can play two players, split screen. Sweet. So the Mr. and I have been playing co-op, and it's been going well. Reminiscent of the days of Diablo. And that's a veeeery good thing.
Oh course, you can't frag and knit at the same time, so my knitting has been neglected as of late. Still working away on a headband for myself, as the yarn did NOT want to be a touque. Or a beret. Or even a flouncy elf hat. Surprisingly, the yarn (Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran) has held up well to the repeated froggings.
Instead of knitting, I've been having fun with my dye pots. Meet Sedna and Crushed Roses.

The first one is a skein of Silky Malabrigo that I practiced overdyeing on. First, splotches of blue and purple, steamed in my crockpot. Then, it went into a bath of green. Very labour intensive, but worth it. And the second was simply kettle dyed Henry's Attic sock yarn base in vermillion with a touch of violet. So far I just have the solo skeins in each colour, but I'm thinking that I need to make more of the Crushed Roses - I am down to just three pairs of handknit socks for my own feet. Shameful, I know.
And writing? Yes, I'm still writing. I am setting myself some homework - 500 words a night. And whether it's on the Pompeii story, or on a dalliance with a different still counts.
Ooooh...pretty yarnz.
I didn't get a reply, if you sent me one...but my hotmail has been randomly blocking stuff, so sending via gmail (same as hotmail addy, only with No reply needed however :)
(Sorry about the cursing, I get a little HULKSMASHy when people make my friends feel low..hard to filter my inner foul-mouth sailor)
It's good to have a friend who will go all HULK SMASH on your behalf.
Agreed, Alison! I'm very happy to have HULKSMASH Lesley on my side. :D
I actually don't know you, but I like your blog. Nice, um, yarn. How do I respond to that?
Heh. I really wish I could knit. I can't, so I've awarded your blog with the Sunshine Award. Feel free to ignore or pass along (yay, chain mails). *eyeroll*
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