Night City is the kind of place where Hope wears mirrorshades, a permanent sneer and a large bandolier of bullets. In the right parts of the city, the shimmering opalescent office towers are a whore's paean to money and power. The corporations rule here - and they don't bother with the velvet glove. It's all about the iron fist...enforcing their control though the use of horrifically efficient heavy weapons teams and good old doses of pain. But the city is glossy...all brilliantly neon, so no one ever notices the occasional blood splatter on the wall. It's just considered to be part of the exotic appeal of Night City.
But in the ugly parts of town...well, that's another story. Boostergangs run wild, terrorizing those who are either too poor to be Mallplexers or too stubborn to move to a better part of town. Since human compassion doesn't earn any Eurobucks - the corporations don't really give a flying fuck about anyone down here. The dinged up but earnest police force struggles to keep the peace here and they try hard, too. But these days, there are just too many powers fighting for control of the badlands. So, it's vigilante heaven. Kill or be killed, babe. Not to say that no one gives a damn. There are heroes, oh yes. But why do any of them do what they do? It ain't for the money. It's all about the Glory, chombatta. That, and the chance to piss off the corps every once in awhile.
The lives of a couple of cyberpunks are about to intersect...and brother, are they *ever* going to take the piss out of the corps tonight.
Now, THAT was fun to write. (Ignore the slang, it's indigenous to the gameworld.) And while the Pompeii story is haunting me, I just hope that I can do it justice in the end.
On to the knitwear!

A last minute baby gift for Mr. Ninja's cousin who is having a baby girl next month. Bunny Beanie pattern. And now for one of my favourite FOs ever.

Veyla. But modded to make it into flip-top mittens. With mother of pearl buttons, and in BFL sock yarn. I love love love love these, but unfortunately am not keeping them. They're for the Gods/Goddesses/Mythology Swap that the Odd Ducks are doing. But I will definitely be making the pattern again for myself. I have all the buttons for it, after all.
1 comment:
Oh man, do I ever love those mitts. Gorgeous.
Damn...I was going to ask you a question related to a comment you left on my blog, but I'm so tired that I've drawn a blank. Geez.
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