I was supposed to be working on my four and final hat, yeah? Uhm. That didn't quite happen. But I have my reasons!
1. Maladies galore. Everyone here's been sick. First the kids, now me and the Mr. I have a sinking feeling that I'm going to have to see the doctor again to make sure that I don't have pneumonia again.
2. The fourth hat was requested in orange and brown. Oy. So, not only did I have to find a pattern that wouldn't make me nauseous to work on in the given colours, (I think I'm going to go with the
Snowflake Hat), but I had to dye the yarn, as I just don't have any orange kicking around the stash. Here's the result.

Pretty, eh?
3. Since I had to wait for the yarn to dry, I got bored and started a very quick knit of a
Super-Fast, Ultra-Cozy Scarf. One night, one marathon session of Firefly, and poof, one scarf later.

I'm working on a matching hat now, will let you know when it's done (I've frogged it already three times, having a devil of time with this one).
4. Also working on another swap - in this one, I send a kit out to my partner including pattern, yarn, project bag and anything else deemed necessary to finish the project. I'm not posting the final package until later, but I did make the project bag yesterday. (Yes, the orange yarn was dry at this point...but I was on a roll.)

Also for the swap, I tried spinning some merino/bamboo into a bulky yarn. This one is three ply, and it's REALLY heavy and dense. I'm not entirely pleased with it, but it does the trick.

5. I finished a big quilt. This is huge for me - it's a total mess, but I love it. However, I think I need to take a quilting class before I attempt another one.

My machine died half-way through the quilting, so I took it in to be serviced...and once I got my machine back (great service at Marlene's Sewing Bee, fyi), I didn't feel like doing anything than free-motion quilting. So I finished it all up, screwed up the binding, and declared it done 'cause I was sick wrestling with bunches of fabric.
I guess it's on to the orange and brown. But right after I finish this other thing up...