That if a month goes by without me posting, that I should just give up this blog.
But I don't think that'll ever happen. I'm not on twitter, and unless I have a need to be (i.e. develop myself as a brand), I won't be. But that's a whole 'nother post. The main reason that I'm keeping this blog alive is that it's handy for me to be able to look back over time and to see what I've really accomplished.
As a gamer, it's ALL too easy for me to play indefinitely and to forget to do anything else. (Don't worry, I only play video games when the kids are in bed, during my "me" time.) After I stopped playing WoW, I reviewed my blog. After looking at all the posts, I came to the realization that I while I did spend a lot of time in-game, I also made some awesome stuff. And now that I'm not playing any MMORPGS, I'm finding that I'm starting to overcommit myself in terms of crafting. Same goes for reading - I'll binge on five books at a time and then not touch any of the ones lingering on my shelf for months. Guess my unconscious motto is Go Hardcore or Go Home. Regardless of what I'm into at the time. It's a recipe for disaster, sometimes.
For example, in the next three months - I have committed myself to making one Jedi robe, four Viking outfits, and a bunch of diapers for a lovely and blogless friend's nephew and another friend's soon to debut twins. And somewhere in there I’d like to make myself a dress or two. I want a few summery dresses, and have been thinking of making
this or
this. Since I'm definitely top heavy as of late, I'm having a hell of a time finding dresses that fit correctly. I think I need to make myself a
duct tape mannequin. Anyone want to volunteer to help? We could have an afternoon of cloning. (That sounds so wrong.)
And a little knitting. I was asked for a pair of socks - and since they’re for my FIL and it’s one of those BIG birthdays, they’re what gets done first. Then comes a
Travelling Woman shawl for myself and hopefully a
sweater as well.
Phew. Most of all of that is pipe dreams, as there are still the mundane tasks of day-to-day life to do...laundry, dishes, etc. But I'll do my best. And will document all the gory details of my nervous breakdown here.
So what have I made in the last month?
A Jayne Hat for the Mister.

(Isn't Mr. Munchkin a wonderful knitwear model?)
Some fingerless mitts for myself.

Modded from the
Susie's Reading Mitts pattern, as I ran out of yarn. Knit from my own handdyed yarn.
And part of an emergency swap package.

Like the bag? It's another Keykalou pattern, this time the
Sweetheart Shopper Bag. LOVE her patterns, I invariably end up learning a new technique every time I make one of her bags.
OH! And I made some new stitchmarkers!

The marble magnets are easy peasy. Not Martha's got a
good tute for them. The stitch markers are even easier. Take some heavy wire, wind it around a dowel, snip off the resulting circles, stick on a bead, clamp the ring closed and then stick in some crazy glue in the hole. Done. Tremendous, yeah?
Oh, and diapers.
For a shower last weekend. My lovely blogless friend Cate cut out all of the pieces (THANK YOU), and I sewed them together in one frantic day.

Two diapers,

two covers,

matching appliqued onesies,

and three more t-shirts for the other kids. So when they go out on a family trip...they'll have a complete raiding party.
Yes, I insist on infecting everyone I know with geekiness.
P.S. I LOATHE flickr's new "share" methods. And I miss the days of raw HTML. Just sayin'.