Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blister In The Sun...

is how my finger feels. (Getchermind outta the gutter.) After a marathon session of snap setting, I am done with one gigantic set of diapers.

Eight pockets, fourteen fitteds, and six covers. All cut out by the magnificent blogless Cate and sewn by yours truly. Phew. Lesley, you can have your boys now. Their rear ends are covered.

Given the amount of flak I've been getting about me making diapers, even though no one in the family needs them anymore...I'll probably have to take a small hiatus from diaper making and work on the Viking outfits for awhile, as I need to earn some husbandly goodwill. It should be interesting, as it's the first time that I've ever made a costume for an adult. Wish me luck!

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