Is it because you're fast to make?

Is it because you're cheap? ($2 a bandanna at the Dollarama!!!)

Is it because you're super cute?

No, none of these things.
It's because you let me knock off half of my crafting to-do list in one afternoon.
I think that this is the last year that I'll be able to make Mr. Munchkin bandanna pants, as he'll likely be too big for them next year. I can't even express how glum this makes me. I love seeing him in them - he gets compliments on his style everywhere he wears them.
The pink dress took about 10 minutes to make from start to finish. Used this tutorial and it turned out super cute. (On a side note, I need to find myself a better hanger for photos. The cheap ass white plastic just ain't cutting it anymore.)
The blue dress was a bit more of a mash-up. Used the bodice pattern from the Tiered Patchwork Twirler - which, if you have a little girl to sew for ... is one of the best girly dress patterns ever. I just wish I had more time to make another one for Miss E. The skirt is just two bandannas sewn together and then gathered to fit the bodice. The straps are attached to the front of the dress and then pass through buttonholes in the back. Cute maxi dress, eh?
Next time I'll hopefully have some knitting to show you.
Oh, and about the rant in the last post - I know that I posted something VERY similar last year around this time of year, but it seems that the Spring brings out the claws in all of the kittens.
Possibly I'm just feeling more and more depressed about the people that I have to interact with on a daily basis in this community. A few weeks ago, some kids at Mr. Munchkin's school were calling him "German boy". Which is a racial epithet, no matter how you slice it. It's really no different than calling someone "Chinaman" and in the end, it's harassment based on your ethnicity.
I called up the various parents of the kids and let them know what their little angels were doing on the schoolyard. Reactions ranged from horror to frankly nonchalance, which showed me where the kids were learning their behavior from. Also talked to Mr. Munchkin's teacher about it all - and found out that she's also got German heritage. So fortunately, she was even more indignant than I was...and she "talked" to the little miscreants about their behaviour.
I can't help but feel that I have to get the hell out of here for the sake of my kids. And possibly because I feel like unloading a can of whup-ass. And since you're not allowed to knit in prison, that's just not a good idea for anyone. Grrrr.
Hello old friend!
What a great blog! So many crafty gems!
That is a frustrating story at school. Grrr.
Nice to see you again and nice to see your cute family, if only online!
Every time you post about something happening in your neighbourhood I wish I was surprised that it was happening, but I'm just not. I have had experiences with some of the people in that neighbourhood, and it's not kind to those they perceive as outsiders.
Hugs for all of you.
The bandanna clothes are awesome, I wish I had half your talent with a sewing machine.
I feel the same way a lot of the time. There are a lot of reasons I love living where I do, but I feel like the clock is ticking, that at some point I'm going to have to make a solid decision as to whether I really want daughter growing up here.
As for your clothing rant, I say keep the funky for as long as you can. I'm so far on the other end of the spectrum that I barely recognize me anymore. I actually held up a very floral, very mom looking blouse to myself the other day in a store and caught myself saying out loud, "Oh good lord, I've completely given up." I'd be happy for sense of style at this point. Any sense of style.
Love the bandana clothes. Too adorable.
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