Used the remnants of the two charm packs that I used to make for a patchwork skirt earlier. Mr. Munchkin helped me make the labels for the shapes, using twill tape and rubber stamps from the dollar store. If I'd been smart about it, I should have attached the labels first, but instead I pulled a dumbass move and had to handsew each of the labels on. They're filled with aquarium gravel. I think that I'll be making another set for the kids, as they were quite taken with this set. And speaking of the kids...I wanted to show you something that I made last summer. I totally forgot to blog about it until now.

This is Mr. Munchkin's pirate coat. What a labour of love this FO was. Seriously, I don't think that I'd ever make something like this for anyone that I didn't give birth to. Those aren't fake pocket flaps, eh? I learned to make welt pockets just for this coat. So, my little pirate captain can shove gold doubloons into his little coat until it bursts. Which is how a pirate's life should be, no?
The dollar store, you say? I think I shall have to take a gander down there tomorrow. And by gander, i mean a "looksee" and not a male goose.
That coat is amazing! I'm quite impressed with the welt pockets, I remember my first go at them... had to rip it out 3 times. Where did you get the pattern? My little man might just love one of those.
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